Adobeform for multiple trays
We have some printers with multiple trays. Depending on the message category, we can print adobeform from a specific tray. Rule will be always as simple i.e. for one message category; we know the tray number where we want to print the adobeform.
First we need, maintain data in TVARVC as below:
Go to Transaction STVARV and maintain the data for the Message Category and Tray Value.
Name contains the Message Category and the Value is Tray Name / Number (i.e. either for Duplex Printer or Simplex Printer)
Before calling the function module ‘FP_JOB_OPEN’, pass the value of the tray name or number in the field ‘JOB_PROFILE’ of the structure ‘SFPOUTPUTPARAMS’ i.e. form processing output parameter.
Code as below:
Taking example for Production Order (CO01/02/03)
Transaction OPK8
List Name
Enhancement Spot at Form ‘FILL_OUTPUTPARAMS’.
DATA: lv_messageo TYPE fpjobprofile,
lv_msgo TYPE rvari_vnam.
CONSTANTS: lc_msg1 TYPE rvari_vnam VALUE 'ZFPP01_',
lc_msg2 TYPE rvari_vnam VALUE 'ZFPP02_'.
*-- Concatenate like 'ZFPP01_LG01ZP01'
*-- print_co-lstid contains value of list name i.e. LG01 and print_co-auart contains the value of Order Type i.e. ‘ZP01’, ‘ZP03’, etc.
CONCATENATE lc_msg1 print_co-lstid print_co-auart INTO lv_msgo.
*-- Select query to fetch the tray value from table 'TVARVC' comparing the Message Category
SELECT SINGLE low "ABAP/4: Selection value (LOW)
INTO lv_messageo
FROM tvarvc "Table of Variant Variables (Client
WHERE name = lv_msgo
AND type = lc_value_p.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
xs_outputparams-job_profile = lv_messageo. " Populate the value of the Tray name in the field 'JOB_PROFILE'.
This is how depending on the message category, print will come from a specific tray in the printer has multiple trays.
Thanks for reading the document.
Debopriya Ghosh