Just wanted to share a few things concerning SAP 7.30.
First of all, there exist a new theme called Corbu Theme in SAP 7.30.
Option Icon > Options
And choose the Corbu Theme, you'll get the new icons, etc.
Personally, I don't like the Corbu Theme because of the gray color. Fortunately, there is another nice option.
Choose the SAP Signature Theme > Check Use Icons of Corbu Theme
Thus, you can keep the colors which you want, but use the new fancy icons.
Also, another tip for those who do not know yet. You can define colors for each environment. This is how you do it.
Log in the desired environment.
Option Icon > Option
Color Options > Color in System
Also, if you want to define new colors, go to Define Colors on the left side and use the slidebar > Save as (a new color).