This blog gives you a detailed description of Performance tuning needed in ABAP routines (transformation) and hints to write the optimized code.
ABAP Routines – Deployment in Transformation
Characteristics or Field Routine
- Not preferred as it executes for each and every field
Expert Routine
- Not preferred as it requires ABAP coding for entire Transformation
Start Routine
- Preferred based on the requirement(used mostly when changes are need to be done at sourcepackage level)
End Routine
- Preferred based on the requirement(used mostly when changes are need to be done at result package level)
Types of declarations:-
- Global Declaration
- Should be declared here only when required in both the routines(either start/field/end routines).
- When populated it is carried across the routines.
- Should be cleared (either using clear/refresh command) when not used.
2. Declaration in Routines
- Only used within the specific routine.
- Data cannot be transferred to other routines.
- Data will be cleared at the end of the routine.
Declaration of data fields:
Structures –
- Always try to use declaration of data fields as TYPES instead of DATA.
- Avoid use of TABLES statement for declaring Internal Tables and Structures.
- Try to use only the required fields for Internal table instead of entire DB Tables.
TYPES:BEGIN OF ty_structure,
field1 TYPE <data_element1>,
field2 TYPE <data_element2>,
END OF ty_structure.
DATA: it_table1 TYPE TABLE OF ty_structure, “Declaration of Internal Table
wa_table1 TYPE ty_structure. “Declaration of Work Area
Field Symbols –
- Field symbols are placeholders and do not physically reserve space.
Syntax: FIELD-SYMBOLS <FS> TYPE <Data Objects>.
- This Field symbol should be assigned by any data object before using it.
- Addressing a Field symbol means it address the field assigned to it.
- Equivalent to MODIFY Statement when used as Work area for Internal Table.
FIELD-SYMBOLS<fs_wa> type ty_structure.
READ TABLE it_table1 assigning <fs_wa> INDEX 1.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
<fs_wa>-field2 = <fs_wa>-field1 + <fs_wa>-field2.
ASSIGN wa_table1 to <fs_wa>.
Internal Tables –
- Type of Internal Tables should be based on the handling of data.
- HASHED Tables are preferred for handling huge volume of data. Only unique entries can be loaded to it.
- STANDARD Tables should be used when INDEX operations are required which is not possible in HASHED tables.
- When multiple entries for the same key (Header and Detail Records) are required for processing STANDARD Tables should be used.
DATA: it_table1_h TYPE HASHED TABLE OF ty_structure WITHUNIQUE KEY field1,
it_table1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_structure.
- Reading an entry from STANDARD Table should be used with BINARY SEARCH. It should be sorted before based on the where condition.
- Reading an entry from HASHED Table should be used with all the key fields when declared and also with keyword “TABLE KEY”. No Sorting should be made.
- SY-SUBRC should be checked whenever Internal table is read using READ TABLE.
READ TABLE it_table1_h ASSIGNING <fs_wa> WITH TABLE KEY field1 = ‘100’.
SORTit_table1 BY field1ASCENDING.
READ TABLE it_table1 ASSIGNING<fs_wa> WITH KEY field1 = ‘100’ BINARY SEARCH.
Nested Loops – Performance Killer
- At any cause Nested Loops should be avoided and can be replaced by Parallel Cursor concept.
- Main Internal Table can be of any type but the Inner Internal table should be of STANDARD table and should be sorted before based on the where condition.
- Any number of Nested loops can be avoided by using the Parallel Cursor concept.
Parallel Cursor Concept
- Looping the inner Internal table based on the INDEX.
- Use Read Table statement instead of using two loops to read the Internal tables..
DATA: l_tabix TYPE sy-tabix.
LOOP AT it_table1_h ASSIGNING<fs_wa>.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
l_tabix = sy-tabix.
LOOP AT it_table1 ASSIGNING<fs_wa2> INDEX l_tabix.
IF<fs_wa2>-field1 <> <fs_wa>-field1.
…….. <code for processing>. ……..
Points to Remember while using Select statements :-
- Only required fields should be fetched from DB table.
- Selection fields should be in the order as in DB table.
- Selection of entries should be restricted based on the required entries for selection.Use FOR ALL ENTRIES.
- Entries in the Internal Table used in FOR ALL ENTRIES should be unique.
- Fields in the WHERE condition should be primary key fields of the DB table with the same order as in DB.
- Use of conditions like <, >, <>, LIKE, IN should be avoided in WHERE condition.
- SELECT statements should not be used in the LOOP statements.
- SELECT ENDSELECT should be avoided rather SELECT INTO TABLE should be used. Reduce the load on the Database Server.
Use the transaction code SE30 – ABAP Runtime Analysis to check the performance of the program.