Created by Venkat Reddy
Sample Scenario - If the date maintained in the vendor master is less than Payment Date then the payments made to that specific Vendor in the F110 run should not get paid.
Functional Configuration that needs to be done in transaction code - FIBF
Step-1 Product needs to be created.
Step-2 Under Process Module we have to assign the BTE-1830 and function module in which the logic is maintained to restrict the payments.
Technical Part
SAP Documentation of this function module -
Copy function module - SAMPLE_PROCESS_00001830 into Z.
Note: 'Z' Function module name should be the same as maintained in the config of process module in FIBF t-code.
Source Code
* Local vaiable to hold gbdat
data :
lv_gbdat type lfa1-gbdat.
loop at t_regup.
* Checking gbdat if it is less than payment date
select single gbdat
into lv_gbdat
from lfa1
where lifnr eq t_regup-lifnr.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
if lv_gbdat is not initial.
if lv_gbdat LT t_regup-LAUFD.
t_regup-XIGNO = 'X'.
modify t_regup INDEX sy-tabix from t_regup transporting XIGNO.
clear: t_regup, lv_gbdat.
For example I have 2 invoices to be paid for the vendors – 100214 and 102165.
I have maintained date(GBDAT) in vendor Master for vendor-100214
F110 RUN
Proposal Display
As date in LFA1-GBDAT for vendor 100214 is 22.10.2013 which is less than payment date that is 23.10.2013 so the payment for 100214 is stopped.
Proposal Log
Payment Advice in SOST
Payment Advice got generated for only right vendor which got paid that is 102165 only.
FBL1N Vendor 100214 is not paid but vendor 102165 is paid.
This explains how to restrict payments to Vendor under certain conditions. Good Luck..!!!
Thanks..!!! VEnk@