Queries are mostly used by the functional to generate quick reports without using ABAP code. But the there are certain situations where the report cannot be generated directly through queries using joins. ABAP code comes in to picture in such situations.
In some queries we might have to display Quantity, Currency and total price etc., in output report. Then some additional indicator fields to display units are also automatically generated. These fields have to be either populated or have to be hidden in the output. This post deals with hiding such additional indicator fields.
In the below picture you can see the additional indicator field of Total Price which is not populated and has to be hidden.
First go to transaction SQ00 or SQ01. Select the query area (In Environment) either Standard or Global. Give the query name and click on change.
In the next screen select Basic List from the application tool bar.
You will be taken to Query layout design screen. Go to the Data Fields windows in the right and expand the fields. Select you the field for which you want to hide the indicator field. In our case we are selecting Condition Base Value.
In the right window all the output fields will be displayed sequentially based on their properties. By clicking on them you will be able to see the field name and its properties in the Quick Viewer window in the left below data field’s window.
The properties of the fields can be defined here. Select the required radio button for the indicator field. Here we are disabling the currency indicator field. Similarly you can set the field position to display to the right or left.
Now activate the query and test it you can see that the field is hidden.
Hope this is helpful.