Hi all,
As I wrote here http://scn.sap.com/community/abap/blog/2013/12/23/sdbadbc--power-to-the-people
I have been playing with package SDB_ADBC and its gang members....
Based on what I learned from program ADBC_QUERY I wrote a program (Y_R_EITAN_TEST_28_01) that I hope you will find it useful .
The program allow the user (A programmer) to query data using the raw native power of the local database.
For example In case of Oracle you can refer to Oracle documentation (http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/toc.htm).
- The program create SQL statment based on the selected fields and functions (FORM get_statment) .
- The program create a dynamic table based on the selected fields and functions (FORM run_statment) .
- Using SDB_ADBC clases the program query the data and fill the dynamic table (FORM run_statment).
- The table is presented using CL_SALV_TABLE .
The native SQL is not client dependent so using MANDT in the where clue is required.
The program is not design for joins (This require more development and I do not have the time...)
Some screens:
Y_R_EITAN_TEST_28_01.txt - the program.
Y_R_EITAN_TEST_28_01_screen_100.txt - screen source .(it is very simple since I use OO components )
Define BACK , EXIT and CANCEL as Exit Command.
That is all for now .
Have fun.