Dynamic table creation using RTTS.
I was reading the blog published by Pieter Lemaire on (Dynamic tables in ALV with RTTI); there he has explained some dynamic functionality using RTTS – I thought the way he was creating the dynamic internal tables using RTTS could be achieved in a much simpler way; therefore I thought of writing this blog to show that how easily we can generate dynamic internal tables & work areas from user definitions using RTTS. Please see the code developed below.
PARAMETERS:: p_table(30) TYPE c.
it_component TYPE abap_component_tab,
wa_component TYPE abap_componentdescr,
o_ref_type TYPE REF TO cl_abap_typedescr,
o_ref_struct TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,
o_ref_table TYPE REF TO cl_abap_tabledescr,
o_table TYPE REF TO data,
o_workarea TYPE REF TO data.
<fs> TYPE any,
<fs_table> TYPE ANY TABLE.
*Calling this method to get the TYPE Definition.
p_name = p_table
p_descr_ref = o_ref_type
type_not_found = 1 ).
CHECK o_ref_type IS BOUND.
o_ref_struct ?= o_ref_type.
*Calling to get the components of the structure
it_component[] = o_ref_struct->get_components( ).
IF it_component[] IS NOT INITIAL.
*Factory Method
o_ref_struct = cl_abap_structdescr=>create( it_component ).
CHECK o_ref_struct IS BOUND.
CREATE DATA o_workarea TYPE HANDLE o_ref_struct.
ASSIGN o_workarea->* TO <fs>.
*Factory Method.
o_ref_table = cl_abap_tabledescr=>create(
p_line_type = o_ref_struct
p_table_kind = cl_abap_tabledescr=>tablekind_std ).
CHECK o_ref_table IS BOUND.
CREATE DATA o_table TYPE HANDLE o_ref_table.
ASSIGN o_table->* TO <fs_table>.