In this article I'd like to show an easy approach on how to convert an amount given in one currency to another currency and warn you before a possible bug in SAP standard FM used for currency conversions.
DATA: l_in(15) TYPE p DECIMALS 5, l_out(15) TYPE p DECIMALS 5. l_in = 1. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY' EXPORTING date = sy-datum foreign_amount = l_in foreign_currency = 'EUR' local_currency = 'DKK' IMPORTING local_amount = l_out EXCEPTIONS no_rate_found = 1 overflow = 2 no_factors_found = 3 no_spread_found = 4 derived_2_times = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc = 0. WRITE: l_in, 'EUR = ', l_out, 'DKK'. ENDIF.
Result of the program is:
IMPORTANT NOTE (valid at 2014-05-27): It is VERY important to use variables defined equally - having the same precision/decimal places and length. Otherwise the results might be VERY surprising: check the following modification with different decimal precision on INPUT and OUTPUT
DATA: l_in(15) TYPE p DECIMALS 5, l_out(15) TYPE p DECIMALS 3.
l_in = 1.
EXPORTING date = sy-datum foreign_amount = l_in foreign_currency = 'EUR' local_currency = 'DKK' IMPORTING local_amount = l_out EXCEPTIONS no_rate_found = 1 overflow = 2 no_factors_found = 3 no_spread_found = 4 derived_2_times = 5 OTHERS = 6.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
WRITE: l_in, 'EUR = ', l_out, 'DKK'.
Result of the second example:
Original of the article is at my blog (