Hi ABAP friends,
after reading the BlogABAP Editor Cherries! i had the idea of giving you some tools that might power up your applications or will help you writting performant and
high-quality | ABAP code . |
Code Inspector
The Code Inspector can be configured/started via the transaction SCI/SCII. It is a powerful tool to provide checks for your ABAP applications. For example a company wide development guide line can be customized. If you define all global variables begin with gf (global field) all deviations will be pointed out.
It's duties are:
- check development guide lines
- advanced programm check
- perfomrance & security checks
Also it can be started directly from the ABAP Editor to be runned with the default variant.
Running the Code Inspector definitely improves your coding, and helps you standardizing your programms which will be blessing if someone tries to comprehend your thoughts.
I think this tutorial SAP Code Inspector (SCI) Tutorial is quite useful.
Coverage Analyzer
You can call the Coverage Analyzer via the transaction SCOV. This tool can be used to check if single code areas get called or see how often they have been processed. Also you can evaluate how often programm, function modules oder classes have been called. It can be used for example to find dead code or see running time for single code areas to improve specifial sections.
It has to be started first and starts recording from this point. If you record all programm calls system wide, be aware of the performance loss which might not be huge but noticeable.
In the screenshot above the all methods, forms and modules and their percentage of processing are displayed. Also the active calls in number.
Workload Monitor
The workload monitor is a very powerful tool to analyse the workload of several resources or your whole system in detail. You can compare calls and runtime (CPU & DB) of transactions and much more. Transaction (ST03n).
Runtime Analysis
Duties of the Runtime Analysis:
- measure running time
- evaluate Measurements
- examples to compare techniques in ABAP
You can start the runtime analysis via the T-code SAT. After that you have the fill in several parameters and a programm/transaction or a funtion module you want to analyse. The result is an detailed list of inormation about your selection. You can now start analysing and optimzing your applications. One thinkable scenario is finding extremely long running reports and optimize them by little modifications (using hashed tables instead of standard table for example).
Splitscreen Editor
The last of the tools i want to introduce to you is the not very common SplitScreen Editor (SE39) that can be used to compare Sourcecodes either of function modules reports or classes with each other.This might be useful if you want to compare or copy code or functionality to your new apllication.
I hope i could show use some standard transactions that might be useful for you and that help you improve your devolopment skillz to build qualitive better applications and make development a little bit more comfortable to you.
My personal experience was that it some of the tools above were very useful for my company and all the devolopers in many cases.
Kind regards Tobi