Business Data Toolset (BDT) is a easy way to enhance screens and is based on the concept of Module Pool programming. Here, first we define Field groups, which contains fields and then, these field groups are assigned to a Views. These views may be further assigned to sections and sections to Screens.
In the view definition, a new Subscreen is defined and the PAI and PBO is created. In this screen, the new field to be added to the Enhancement is created. To manage the data from screen to the main program, several events are defined for e.g. dchck, dlvel, dchck etc. These events are called at various points , in the flow of the main program and separate Function Module is available for each event. Along with the standard Function Module, new custom Function Modules can also be added for each event. These custom Function modules are called along with the standard ones, whenever the event is triggered. To use BDT, the application must be enabled for BDT.
Here is a demo for the Transaction CMS_WB, in which a new field ‘Negotiation date’ is to be added, in the Tab ‘Collateral Scope’.
Here is attached the sample code for Function Modules for events for further reference.