Hi there community,
This will be a short blog post, for 2 reasons. First reason, I have some time to kill, but not that much! Second reason, I'm just writing this so I have a place to quickly find some information I keep searching over and over again.
This blog post will be about something that should be VERY clear for any seasoned developer, but unfortunately many times I see things done in a way that is going to fail very often. We are talking about currencies, units, and their external/internal formats and representation.
Writing a value or quantity to the screen or a form
When it comes to units, this is not so critical. The most popular option I have seen for this is WRITE variable TO output_field DECIMALS number_of_decimals. So, if you're displaying kilos, or square meters, or something like that, most of the times it will work decently. The next thing I see very often is a suppressing of the decimal places if the unit is pieces. Or if the decimal part of the number is zero. So quickly you get a lot of "ifs", you get added complexity, and as soon as there is a new unit you didn't think about, this fails.
When it comes to values (as in, money value), this is terrible. I think I have never seen this developed properly in my life. It seems that most people fail to understand that not all currencies were created equal. Most of them have 2 decimals, yes, but some have 3. And some, like my "ex-mother-currency", have none! Most of the times I don't even see a WRITE statement, I just see a MOVE TO. And then you get no thousand separator, and the decimal separator is always a point, regardless of where you are. There is also usually a fair amount of logic in the form to make up for this, that is completely unnecessary.
So what should you do?
You should learn more about the WRITE statement. The WRITE statement has very powerful additions CURRENCY and UNIT.
This will make use of the proper representation of the unit or currency you are displaying, and you have no extra work. What more could you ask?
Also, if for any reason there's a unit or currency in your system that doesn't seem to have the right format, you can use transaction codes CUNI and OY04 to maintain this output format.
Reading a number from an external format (like an excel sheet or text file)
This is also something that I see terribly implemented almost everywhere. The most popular way of converting a number from an external format (i.e. 1.123,12 for Europe), is to use the REPLACE statement abundantly. Followed by a condense... This works fine as long as this code will always be executed in the same "locale", but that's not always the case. And if it's not, what do you do? As many IF statements as you can think of? Wrong.
So what should you do?
You should use function module MOVE_CHAR_TO_NUM. This function module reads the setting of the user, and will convert the number accordingly. So, assuming the person is uploading numbers that follow the format said person is using in SAP, this will always work.
There are situations where this might still not work. For example, if it's some sort of background job being executed by a batch user, and this job is supposed to deal with different formats, this will be a hard task to achieve. You will need proper design to deal with this situation.
Now you don't have an excuse any more to use those silly SAP Script additions, to suppress zeros, to condense, to hide the decimals, etc. Just use the WRITE statement with the correct options.
When it comes to reading a number, if it's from an excel or a csv file, you are better off using my awesome file reader anyway.
If you have any further suggestions or comments let me know, I can update this blog post.