I am not sure what kind of commenting strategy you use at your company.
* Do you hear the people sing?
In a lot of SAP delivered code I either see no comments or comments in German.
* Singing a song of angry men?
Thankfully Google translate can give a literal kind of hint about what the authors were trying to get at.
* It is the music of a people
I like to provide comments with a least a hint at what is going on or why a strategy has been used.
* Who will not be slaves again!
At one client in particular one of the team ( and a senior member ) at that liked to included song lyrics from 'Les Miserables'.
* When the beating of your heart
It didn't make you miserable. I found it was quite an entertaining way to brighten up your day
* Echoes the beating of the drums
So when you next find an interesting or quirky comment block.
* There is a life about to start
Say a thank you to the developer who put it in there to make you smile.
* When tomorrow comes!