Hi All,
As we all know that use of For All Entries in ABAP Select statement is better that using a join in the Data Base tables.
It Helps in Mininmising the Execution time of the Select Statement as compared to a table join.
We might have many times improved the performance of the report by eliminating the join and replacing it by FOR ALL Entries.
But , the problem arises when using for all entries our internal table gradually starts to grow in terms of data volume i.e the performane goes for a toss and the purpose of using the For all Entries is defeated as our internal table grows in size.
We cannot predict the volume of the data being filled in the internal table.
So how do we handel this situation , wherein the we have eliminated the join on the data base with for all entries and our internal table has started growing.
Can we conclude that the use of For All entries is a temprary solution to the performace improvement?
Please share your views on this.
Amit Srivastav