Hy everybody,
i recently had the requirement to get the values of an existing searchhelp. Pretty simple when u are dialog modus. But unfortunatly the requirement was, that the search help had to be called in backgroud without opening the searchhelp dynpros (it's called in a oData Service Implementation). I didn't want to recreate the existing search logic, because it wasn't a simple search help. Most of the logic has been put in a search help exit and i didn't want to write any kind of wrapper by myself or implement the search logic again. I would like to share following code with u, so next time somebody has this requirement, less research has to be done as i found nothing on scn. For my requirement this solution works fine, as all dynpro fields are supressed. I think you can use it as approach when u have similiar requirements. I've also provided the source as attachment.
If you are using this approach, test it well, as i made the experience, that search helps can be called in various ways & behaviour might be different on your system depending on release & user settings.
Any comments & improvements are kindly welcomed.
Have a nice day.
Best regards,
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZZTAB_SHLP_BG *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Albrecht Michael, 28.01.2015 *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zztab_shlp_bg. DATA: lv_search_help TYPE ddobjname, lv_search_help_f4if TYPE shlpname, lt_return_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ddshretval, ls_search_help_infos TYPE dd30v. PARAMETER: p_shlp TYPE string DEFAULT 'Z_YOURHELP'. START-OF-SELECTION. lv_search_help = p_shlp. lv_search_help_f4if = lv_search_help. * Get Search Help Information CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_SHLP_GET' EXPORTING name = lv_search_help IMPORTING dd30v_wa = ls_search_help_infos EXCEPTIONS illegal_input = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * Implement suitable error handling here ENDIF. * Call Search Help in Background CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING tabname = ls_search_help_infos-selmethod fieldname = '' searchhelp = lv_search_help value = '*' display = ' ' suppress_recordlist = 'X' selection_screen = ' ' TABLES return_tab = lt_return_tab EXCEPTIONS field_not_found = 1 no_help_for_field = 2 inconsistent_help = 3 no_values_found = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * Implement suitable error handling here ENDIF.