Dealing with logos in Smartforms has always been a big problem. It never matches the client's requirements and as a result it's always a support call that I've dreaded receiving.
The first problem is uploading with a normal 24bit bitmap version of your source image.
Which gives you this staggered gradient and forces you to have an off-white background to the logo on all forms. Definitely not what the client wants...
All over the internet, the solution is to change your logo to 256 colors to make the background of the logo completely white. But then you end up with this.
Which looks even worse in my opinion. Don't despair however. There is a solution. It's called Dithering.
I'm providing the Gimp tool's screenshots since it's completely free and comparable to Photoshop, if only for it's functionality and not it's user-interface. So step 1, open the source image in Gimp and then click on Image > Mode > Indexed.
Then set up the settings as follows; Note the Dithering option.
Finally, choose File > Export As and select Windows Bitmap. No need to change any compatibility settings as your image is already on 256 colors.
And here's the result.
That's pretty close to the original if you ask me, especially at this scale.
Hope this was useful.
As a final note, try and fit your image onto the Smartform at 100dpi once you've made the above changes. I've noticed that SAP's image compression when you up the DPI makes the logo look terrible again.